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Shaanxi Nanfang Electric Motor Technology Co., Ltd

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Address: 15th floor, Building 1, East China Wanhe City, No.1, Changying West Road, Xincheng District, Xi'an, Shaanxi.

How to do no-load test after repairing three-phase asynchronous motor?

2024-04-16 23:22:34

The purpose of the no-load test of the repaired three-phase asynchronous motor is to check the assembly quality of the motor; Core quality; Vibration and noise of motor; Measuring no-load loss; No-load current and its balance, etc. How to do it specifically, follow Xiaobian to see.

First, the no-load test method of motor

1, the motor idling for 20-60 minutes, the purpose is to make the mechanical loss reach a stable state, after everything is normal, step up to the rated voltage;

2. During the test, record the voltage (U0), phase current (I0), power (P0) and revolutions of each phase;

3. The difference between the no-load current and the average current of any phase shall not be greater than 10%; Compared with the factory test, the no-load current and no-load loss shall not exceed 10%;

4. The balance test conforms to the standard of GB10068.1-88;

5, no-load characteristic curve test.

Second, the motor no-load test matters needing attention

1, the power waveform distortion should not exceed 5%;

2. Dalan motor manufacturer reminds you that the indicated values of all instruments should be read out at the same time to prevent reading errors;

3. The high-voltage motor can be tested with low-voltage power supply, and then converted to rated value after the test.


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Wolong Nanyang Electric Nanyang Explosion-proof Group Co., Ltd. is a medium and high voltage motor and drive product group based on Wolong Electric Nanyang Explosion-proof Group and integrating the medium and high voltage motor factory of European ATB Group and Liaoning Rongxin Transmission Division ...


Contact: Mr. Du

Mobile: +86 13937714330

Email: 3771550493@qq.com.

Address: 15th floor, Building 1, East China Wanhecheng, No.1, Yingxi Road, Xincheng District, Xi 'an.